We are finally fulfilling our dream, traveling to Ireland together! We've wanted to come here for years. I know everyone says they are a bit Irish, but we are. I (Emily) even play the harp, so... There is so much that we have planned for while we're here, which is why we set everything up through this amazing new travel planning website, Relovate.
We booked our flights and hotels through their site, which was great because it keeps all confirmations and trip information all in one spot. You can even book a car service to and from the airport. There is nothing more painful than searching your emails at the check in counter, am I right? We are planning to stay at four different hotels, so you can imagine how many emails we would have to go through.

Before we left for the trip we had already "considered" a bunch of restaurants and activities we wanted to do while here. Otherwise, we would have forgotten half of the stuff we wanted to do during our stay and aimlessly walked the cobblestone streets. I mean they're beautiful, but it is a bit too chilly for aimless wandering. We highly recommend the site if you're planning a group trip, because Relovate has a tool where you can actually share your entire trip with other people. That way you can avoid the whole telling 14 different people what flight you've booked, what hotel you'll be staying at, and what restaurants you plan to check out during your stay. Then, the other family members, bridesmaids, friends, co-workers... what have you, can book their trip based on your itinerary. We have never been on a trip that was planned so seamlessly, and we travel quite a bit! If you're looking to avoid travel books and bookmarking a million websites Relovate is the easy choice. Good luck and happy traveling!
Xx, WanderLust Girls
Thank you so much to Relovate for sending us on our dream trip! We love Ireland so much, we may never come back. No offense New York, but there is something about this green grass, cozy pubs, and those accents (*swoon*)