Click HERE to book your next hotel via Priceline "Express Deals!" Use code WANDER10 for an extra 10% off. (Only applicable to Express Deals. Book by 2/28.) It has been four months since we've been back to New York City. There was so many people and places we've been dying to see, and we finally made it back thanks to Priceline! We tested out their Express Deals, which is where you can select a neighborhood, price range, and rating and book a seriously discounted hotel.
We selected one of our favorite neighborhoods, the Lower East Side, and found a 4.5 star hotel for only $128 a night. In case you've never been to NYC... this price is UNHEARD OF for a hotel with that rating. You actually would pay more for a garbage hotel. This is the beauty behind Express Deals. The hotel hides their identity until you've paid, but when you know the general location and rating, why bother spending double?!
We landed at the Hotel Indigo on Ludlow St, which we actually reviewed two years ago when they opened! We absolutely love this hotel. So we've said it once, we've said it twice, but take advantage of these deals and add our code from above for an additional 10% off!!!! Click HERE to book your next hotel via Priceline "Express Deals!"
xx, WanderLust Girls