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The Lights Fest


People come from all over to take part in The Lights Fest and we definitely see why! The whole evening is straight out of a fairytale. Live music resounds through the space as guests grab their lanterns, which are 100% biodegradable. You can write messages of hope, a memorial for a lost one, dreams for the future, truly anything you like. Let me tell you, releasing what you have written on your lantern out into the universe is some powerful stuff. I talked about a different kind of releasing or clearing in my hypnosis work and this felt very similar to me.

*Fireflies by Owl City should be stuck in your head by now*

Luckily, The Lights Fest take all the worry out of an event of this magnitude by testing how far a lantern will travel, how long it will burn for and which lantern is adequate for the space in regards to fire safety. The company is a non-profit and works with local charities at each location. Speaking of locations, there are lots! Find one near you and be sure to check the exact location as they are required to be out of city limits for an event of this nature.

Check out the FAQ on their site for more info and click HERE for tickets/locations.

Have a magical night!

Xx, WanderLust Girls

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