All Hallows Eve kicked off at the Playboy offices, where we won some MAJOR Playboy swag, and sipped on... well a lot of cocktails. The party moved its way to the streets of 5th Avenue where we thought it fitting to creep and prey on ALL pedestrians brains. After holding down the high security entrance of Abercrombie & Fitch, so the models could put their clothes back on... we decided to move on to another borough in search of some delicious intellect.
Our happiest moment: The male reaction as we walked down the hipster ridden streets, "yes, playboy bunnies!!" slowly turning our heads back at them "Aw, why'd you have to do that..." Sexy 1, Scary 1. Our proudest moment: Bumping into Katie Couric, who admired our fluffy bunny tails, our dedication to the costume as we snacked on deceptively disgusting blood caplets, and Abigail's Dumb and Dumber dance. What did you dress up as?
Xx, WanderLust Girls